Romans 12:1-2 (KJV) I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
One of the great calls of God which any heaven BOUND CHRISTIANS can not ignore is the call to consecration .
Every DIVINE experience in a believer’s life has its foundation laid on consecration, there can never be deep spiritual experience without complete CONSECRATION to God.
Matthew 6:24 (KJV) No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
is not enough to cut loose from the old life—the young Christian must enter the new life.
Leaving the service of one master—he must enlist in that of another.
Withdrawing his heart’s affections from one class of objects—he must fix them upon another class. Ceasing to do evil—he must also learn to do good.
No longer a servant of sin—he must become a servant of righteousness.
Mere turning from sin is not enough—giving up one’s wicked ways is but half of conversion—there must also be a devotement of life to Christ. The heart cannot be left empty.
The only way we can turn from sin—is by turning to Christ. He then becomes both Deliverer and King; both Savior and Lord.
So Consecration becomes very real.
1 Corinthians 6:20 – For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.
It is living for God—day by day, hour by hour.
It is nothing strained or unnatural; it does not wrench us out of our place, nor disturb our relationships, unless they are sinful.
It is the simple living out in true devotion to Christ, in unquestioning obedience and in faithfulness—the life he gives.
1 Peter 2:9 – But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
The devil knows what a believer can become when he wholly consecrated himself to God .
This is why the devil set traps around to keep believers so busy from CONSECRATING their life to God .
The earlier Christian who consecrated their life to God was a hot terror to the devil , they were popularly known as “Men who turn the world upside down “
THE kingdom of darkness really suffer in their hands , but the secret of their life is undivided CONSECRATION to their Lord and master , which is Jesus Christ”
THE early Christian beat the devil so hard in the first round , we are now in the last round , this is why the devil is fighting because of STRATEGY.
His strategy has prevailed over many lives , this is why many Christian lives are in shambles .
His strategy is committed to distracting believers from CONSECRATING their life on God .
His chief STRATEGY is targeted at the believers’ consecration, thereby making it impossible for a believer to have a complete CONSECRATION for God .
It is becoming almost impossible to see a believer that has not been caught in the bait of the distraction and lack of focus on God .
For it is impossible for the presence of God to grow in our life without complete CONSECRATION to God
The Lord can’t freely work in us if we don’t consecrate ourselves to Him, if we don’t entrust our lives into His hands. He won’t take the reins of our life if we haven’t given Him the right to do so.
We need to enter the gate of consecration once and for all. We can only do this by making a thorough, detailed consecration of all that we are to the Lord–our life, future, education, career, marriage, family, time, money and anything else that He touches us to consecrate.
Consecration to God is something we see little of in a world that is looking for excitement, quick fixes, and glamour. Where are those that can say?
“I want God and nothing else in this world. I want to go as far as it is possible for a human to go in seeking after God and living abandoned to Him.
My heart pants after God (Psalm 42). I want to provoke others with jealousy by my choices day-by-day and hour-by-hour to live for God and Him alone.”
This is the kind of life that will touch the world with the reality of what it really means to be a lover of God. The world has only a false glamour because it doesn’t really satisfy. It promises high rewards, but it only leads to disappointment and death.
There is an overflow of a consecrated life. You can’t hide it.
Others see it, are drawn to it, and want it.
Some are convicted and others hate it because it points out and rebukes the luke-warm and the dead.
Spiritual violence is the expression of our willingness to pay any price of self-denial in seeking and obeying God.
This is consecration. This is what revival is all about – a personal dedication to Jesus and no other; a commitment that is lived out only by grace and the power of God.
We are in the most intense time in human history. The pressures are mounting. In light of this, God wants us to walk in the greatest anointing this world has ever seen.
We must be consecrated to God in times of crisis. We must separate ourselves from sin and unto union with God.
How can we do this ? We must set aside time for focused seeking after God, fasting, and devotion.
We reap what we sow (2 Corinthians 9:6-7).
The impact of focusing on God produces:
A purposed heart – A desire in the heart to draw near to Him.
A changed lifestyle – A lifestyle and behaviour change. You spend your time, energy, and money in different ways.
A reaping of consequences in God -When our actions change, we reap positive consequences in our relationship with God.
Daniel was an example of a consecrated life. He separated himself unto God and lived differently than others.
He positioned his heart after God and prayed three times a day. He fasted. He sought after God when no one was watching. His life was marked by miraculous deliverances (lion’s den)
Here are some simple ways to start:
》 Cut out the unnecessary – Begin where you are, and ask God to help you focus and cut out those things that are not necessary.
》 Make times for fasting and pray -Put it in your schedule, and consecrate these times to the Lord.
》 Study Biblical examples – Studying the book of Daniel and other Biblical characters who lived lives of devotion and consecration like John the Baptist, Moses, Paul, Joseph, etc.
》 Read and pray through the Sermon on the Mount on a regular basis (Matthew 5-7). It is all about a dedicated lifestyle.
》 Receive grace to walk it out – You can’t do it yourself. You need the Holy Spirit’s help.
Don’t condemn yourself when you fall, start again but don’t willingly fall .
When we make a mistake, we push “delete” and start again. We need God’s grace for consecration.