TEXT : ROMANS 12:1-12
INTRODUCTION : The question in the mind of many believers is ‘’WHAT IS HOLINESS’’
We have many erroneous teachers who claim to be preacher of holiness but are causing confusion in the body of Christ, and given people a wrong ideal on holiness.
Some believers thought is all about only outwardly , while others believers thought that God is only looking at our heart and that what we do and what we wear doesn’t matter.
Both of them are wrong because God is looking at both heart and body? But the question now is ‘’What is Holiness’’ but as we continue in this study we are going to discovered what holiness is all about.
What God is expecting from us is practical holiness and not only to profess it, but to practice it, live by it, submit to it, that is the high way that lead to heaven.
As we are already redeemed by the blood of the Son of God, all that we are, all that we have belongs to Him. Our body, our soul, and our spirit belong to Him.
Nothing is our own; we are bought with a high price. In laying His precious life for us, He has redeemed us unto Himself. That we should be peculiar people. Not only to give Him our lips by saying some wonderful things about Him. But give Him our body, soul and spirit.
It may well be asked; what have we sacrificed for the Lord’s sake?
Have we been called upon to sacrifice our property, prospects, name, fame, and worldly interest, and have we obeyed the call?
It is only practical holiness that will take us to heaven.
Practical holiness is a call to separation.
(2 Corinthians 6:17-18).
There must be separation between the church. There must be a line drawn between those who are the true body of Christ and those who are outside His fold.
Take the idea of a temple; it is built and separated from all common uses, and set apart for the worship of the most High. So likewise, we have been called out from defilement, self-will and pride, worldly pleasures and carnal security, to be a consecrated temple of God.
You cannot improve the world by going down to its level; instead, the world will injure you and kill your passion for God.
There must be separation. That is a practical holiness.
Holiness is the inward and outward conformity to God’s holy law, which is holy, just and good.
When we are practically conform to His holy law, then we no longer live unto ourselves but unto Him who love us and gave Himself for us.
We are to have;
Holy thoughts.
Hoy desire.
Holy motives.
Holy aim.
Holy pleasures.
Holy sorrows and,
Holy pursuit.
We have no right to possess, to use or to wear anything on which we cannot write, “holy unto the Lord”.
Is there anything in your house?, Is there anything in your business?
Is there anything on your person? On which it would not be fitting to write, “Holy unto the Lord?”
(2 Corinthians 7:1)
Practical holiness is a call to be the lover of the word of God. (Psalm 119:97).
Who is a man that is the lover of the word of God? How does he take the word of God?
- He loves the counseling part of the word of God, as it is a directory and rule of life.
- He loves the threatening part of the word of God. The word gives no indulgence to evil. It will not let a man dwell between God and sin. The true mother would not let the child to be divided. (1 Kings 3:26). And God will not have the heart divided. The word chides out threatening against the very appearance of evil. So a man who is the lover of God knows that there is love in every threat.
He shows his love to the written word by;
- Diligently reading it: His heart is the library to hold the word of God, it dwells richly in him. (Colossians 3:16). The word has a double work; to teach and to judge us. Those who will not be taught by the word shall be judged by the word.
- Frequently meditating on it. (Psalm 119:97).
- Delighting in it. (Jeremiah 15:16).
- Hiding it. (Psalm 119:11).
- Defending it. (Psalm 119:111).
- Preferring it above most precious things; above food. (Job 23:12); above riches. (Psalm 119:72); above worldly honor.
- Talking about it. (Psalm 119:172).
- Conforming to it. (2 Timothy 4:7). The balance in which he weighs his actions.
Separation from the worldly adornment such as : Jewels , earrings , chain, attachment or weavon , painting , eyelashes, finger painting , and others .
Separation from worldly clothing : short skirt, transparent gown , lace with big hole, God hate this.
Separation from worldly entertainment: such as worldly music e.g hip pop, mucosa, Fuji, apala, juju, hip pop gospel ,reggae e.t.c .
Worldly films e.g wrestling, worldly India film, worldly Hollywood films. And so many others.
Practical Holiness Is A Call To Humility.
There is a great difference between humble behavior and a humble spirit.
Notice 1- A person may behave humble towards others, yet be proud.
Notice 2- A person may behave humbly towards God, and yet be proud.
- A humble soul is emptied of all swelling thoughts of himself. A humble heart is of lower thoughts of himself than others can have him. (Psalm 22:6).
- A humble soul thinks better of others than of himself.
- A humble heart has a low esteem of his duties.
- A humble man will justify God in an afflicted condition.
- A humble soul is a Christ’s magnifier.
Practical Holiness Is A Call To Sincerity.
(John 1:17).
You are what you seem to be.
Those who are sincere strive to approve himself to God in everything. (2 Corinthians 5:9).
It is better to have God approval than the world applauds.
A sincere person abhors deception.
Practical Holiness Is A Call To Be Heavenly Man.
You must be heavenly in your choice.
- He is heavenly in his disposition. “Set your affection……” (Colossians 3:2).
- Heavenly in his speech. (Psalm 39:1).
- Heavenly in his actions.
- Heavenly in his hope. (Psalm 39:7).
- Heavenly in his conduct. (1 John 2:6).
Practical Holiness Is A Call To Be A Zealous Man.
- To be zealous for God’s honor.
- To be zealous for God’s truth.
- To be zealous for God’s worship.
- If you are zealous, you will have honor for God’s work. You won’t be requesting for money to do God’s work.
- If you are zealous, you won’t be coming late to church.
Practical Holiness Is A Call To Be A Patient Man.
Two folds of patience;
- Patience in waiting.
- Patience in bearing trials.
Practical Holiness Is A Call To Be Good In Our Relationships.
Between minster and members, the minister must be;
- Painstaking. (2 Timothy 4:2).
- Knowledgeable.
- A plain preacher.
- Zealous in reproving sin.
- Holy in heart and life.
Between husband and wife. (Ephesians 5:25).
Between parents and children.
- Drop holy instructions to your children. (6:4).
- Pray for your children.
- Give your children discipline.
Between master and servants.
- You must make known the oracle of God to those under you.
- He relieves his servants under sicknesses.
- He set his servants a good example.
- Servants must flee from defrauders.
- Submissiveness. (Titus 2:9).
For the children;
Respect your parent.
Obeying their commands.
Practical Holiness Is A Call To Walk With God.
Walking as under God’s eyes.
Walk ultimately with God.
We walk privately with God.
We walk in the fear of God.
If you want to experience heaven at last, then live by this divine instruction.