2 Chronicles 20:22-26 And when they began to sing and to praise, the LORD set ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, which were coming against Judah; and they were smitten.
Praise and worship is one of the most abused aspects of worship. There is Power in praise and worship , but the truth is that most of the praises today are nothing but empty Noise.
God who is Holy deserves Holy worship , His majesty deserves pure worship, this is why praises to God must be from the bottom of the heart.
Praise to God is an expression of worship and glorifying the Lord.
It is an expression of our faith that we believe that God is with us and is in control of everything.
It is when we humble ourselves and give our love, adoration and thanksgiving that brings us closer to Him; this strengthens our relationship with God.
When God’s people begin to praise His name, it sends the enemy running!
An atmosphere which is filled with sincere worship and praise to God by humble hearts is disgusting to the Devil.
He fears the power in the name of Jesus and flees from our place of worship.
Jesus declared in John 4:23 “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.
God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.”
True worship requires the total commitment of our body, mind and spirit.
It has everything to do with having an intimate relationship with God, who is The Creator of the Universe.
There are many ways to worship and praise God like singing, playing musical instruments, dancing, praying, clapping hands and many more.
This must be done in sincerity and holiness.
Jesus spoke about the hypocrisy of the Pharisees whose worship was only an outward show and not from the heart in Matthew 15:8 … “These people honour me with their lips, but their hearts are far away from me.”
Genuine praise to God is a matter of humility and sincere devotion from within, that is –THE HEART OF WORSHIP!
Unpretentious praise and worship pleases our God.
He delights in the love and affection of His children.
Very often, our praise and worship is like an event that is done in church and happens only when we come together with other Christians.
However, this is something that does not please God.
I believe the most important way to give our gratitude to God is through our everyday lives.
When we try to be Christ-like, loving and serving others, honouring and obeying God, then we are truly worshipping Him.
Praise and worship should be a part of our lifestyle.
It is something that we as believers should do in our daily life — at work, while traveling, at home or anywhere.
A life of praise and worship that is acceptable to God fulfils our deepest needs and also brings great joy to God.
Characteristics Of True Praises.
1 . It comes From a Heart of Gratitude.
2. It comes from a heart filled with love without bitterness.
3 . Singing Without Shame .
4 . Singing With Humility and Respect For God .
5 . Worship without pretence
6 . Worship without Distractions/ a worship with a fixed heart on God .
7. Worship with a right attitude : A life of disobedience makes our worship unacceptable,
8 . Worship with a prepared heart .
How can we prepare to that:
a. We’ll not be bored and indifferent
b. We’ll not have cold and calloused hearts.
c. We’ll not be in a rush .
d. We’ll be attentive and focused, and not have our minds on other activities.
Principles that will help:
a. Develop a spiritual-mindedness; as opposed to having a mind focused on fleshly things.
a) Philippians 4:8
b) Psalm 119:97
b. Maintain a worshipful atmosphere.
a) Psalm 89:7
b) Habakkuk 2:20
c. Center our attention on God.
a) Not on the building, someone’s clothes, etc.
b) We are easily distracted – keep distractions to a minimum – learn to focus.
c) Cultivate a deep awareness of God – Proverbs 15:3
d. Pray for a united heart.
a) Psalm 86:5-11
b) “…unite my heart to fear thy name” (v. 11) – the idea is, unite my heart in worship.
9. Devoted to the right object.
10 . Must be according to the truth.