Psalms 23:4 (KJV)  Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

The World in which we are living is full of all manner of troubles .

In Fact the lord has said that there is going to be many tribulations in the world, but He promised to give us victory in all this tribulation.

But out of it all , the most fearsome valley in life is the valley of the shadows of Death.

Many are going through this valley now in their life.

Some have tested it and overcame it in the end .

Some may still face it later in their life .


Life Situation Or Experience Which Seems to Come to Take away your life .

Life Experience that seems to be the end of the road .

Life Experience that seems that it is over for you .

Life Experience that seems you will be disgrace and put to shame 

Life Experience that you never see miracles taking place, that you never see any signs of God showing it.

Life Experience that all the thoughts that cloud your mind is “it’s Over “

This Career it’s Over 

This Business it’s over 

This marriage it’s  over 

This project it’s over 

This plan it’s over 

This goal it’s over 

You never see God showing up , you never sense any intervention coming from God.

It’s called valley of the shadows of death.

There are several examples in the Scriptures of people who faced life situations or experiences that can be Called valley of the shadows of death :  

Here are a few:

1. Job: Job faces immense suffering, losing his wealth, family, and health. 

Despite going through this strange valley , he remained faithful to God and eventually saw restoration and blessings in his life.

2. David: David faced numerous threats to his life, But the one that can be likened to the valley of the shadow of death was when he was  being pursued by King Saul.

 He has to run from place to place seeking for the security of His life .

It was a very strange path for him , but He trusted in God and overcame it in the end.

3. Daniel: 

Daniel faced this valley when he was being thrown into a den of lions for his faithfulness to God and refusing to worship foreign gods. 

We know how dangerous a wild animal is, but to now talk about how dangerous a lion is .

It seems his life will go for it , His accuser thought it’s over .

Just like the brother of Joseph said “Let us kill this dreamer and We Shall See What Will become Of His Dream”

But for Daniel, “We will See what Will Become Of His Devotion.

This Valley Shake Daniel , This is a valley with several lions .

But Daniel Came out Victorious And Those that Conspired Against His Life , their life goes for it .

Daniel 6:21-22, 24 (KJV)  Then said Daniel unto the king, O king, live for ever..

My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions’ mouths, that they have not hurt me: forasmuch as before him innocency was found in me; and also before thee, O king, have I done no hurt.

And the king commanded, and they brought those men which had accused Daniel, and they cast them into the den of lions, them, their children, and their wives; and the lions had the mastery of them, and brake all their bones in pieces or ever they came at the bottom of the den.

4. Paul: Paul experienced this valley of the shadows of death which came in various ways , it came in the form of hardships and dangers, Robbery , including persecution, imprisonment, and shipwrecks. 

2 Corinthians 11:26 (KJV)  In journeyings often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen, in perils by the heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren;

Yet, he remained steadfast, He Finished This valley as a conqueror and not as a loser.

5. Peter: 

Peter was locked up in the prison for public execution.  In Acts 12:1-17

The notorious king has taken the life of James unstopped.

He lay hold on Peter Also knowing that he was unstoppable.

The Death of James might be the reason why Peter was also waiting for his own turn of execution by this notorious king.

Even though He was in the Prison, they still used chains ⛓️ to tied his hands and legs .

But the Prayer Of The Brethren Delivered Him.

One Of The Great Points that was mentioned Here is : I Shall Fear No Evil .

Two Kinds Of Fear

The Bible speaks of 2 kinds of fear.

1. There is a commanded fear. (Eccles. l2:13; Prov. l:7; Rom. 3:l8; Heb. 11:7; Acts 9:31; 10:2, 22, 35).

  Leads to holiness. (2 Cor. 7:l; Acts 2:43-47).

2. There is a forbidden fear.

    This fear is with dread, alarm, fright, terror, apprehension, anxiety, perplexity and distrust.

    This fear is condemned. (Psalm. 91:5; Lk. 12:32).

Many have missed it in life and forfeited their divine destiny because of fear .

Many have lost the glorious position that the divine God has prepared for them because of fear .

Many are in the sorrow they’ve found themselves today because of fear .

Many destinies are wasted , warriors wounded,  Because of fear .

There are many unfulfilled dreams in the graveyard because of fear. 

Because they disobeyed the scriptures that says “Psalms 46:10 (KJV)  Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

Another Thing I noticed Common About all the examples that we mentioned above is that  The Presence Of God was With Them.

The Presence Of God was enough Comfort

The Presence Of God  was enough Hope 

The Presence Of God was their Strength 

The Presence Of God was the source of their victory.


It is dangerous to face the valley of the shadows of death without the presence of God.

It is Dangerous to face the valley of the shadows of death without a connection with God.

If not for their connection with God , their enemies will laugh at them and See their End .

This is Why you must get to know God and Walk With Him So that His Rod and Staff Can Be With You .



It is dangerous to go through life unreal

It is dangerous to go through life fake

Don’t fake your Christian life because when life happens to you , you will discover that true relationship with God is the best thing in life .

Don’t face this valley of the shadow of death with your own strength

Don’t face it with your own Power

Don’t face the valley Without Jesus

Don’t go through it without Jesus

All that overcame it came through because of Jesus.

2 . Give Room For God’s Comfort And God’s thought.


4. See Hope And See Glory Ahead .

5. Be Still And Knows That He is God

6. Have unchanged or unshakable Trust in God.

7. Seek For The Prayer Of The Brethren.

8. Face it, Beat It , Overcome it , Don’t panic 

9. Don’t Repeat the mistake that throws you into that valley .

10. Run away from friendship or partnership that throws you into the valley.

11. Avoid Unhealthy Pressure

12. Pray Until Power Change Hands

13. See Yourself As a victory not a victims

14. Always Encourage Yourself 

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